• Alexandra Maksimovna Dementieva
    • Moscow State Linguistic University
Keywords: the Finnish language, the history of the Finnish language, the orthography of the Finnish language, Codex Westh, Mathias Westh, Mikael Agricola, the Reformation, the history of Finland


This article describes some orthographical, grammatical and syntax features of a 16th-century manuscript called Codex Westh. I have studied a fragment, which describes the baptism ceremony. I have also explored the problem of authorship of this text. According to some researchers, Mathias Westh (d. 1549), a chaplain from Rauma town, was the last keeper of this manuscript only. According to another version, he was a scribe among others. The third theory says that he was the only author of the Codex. Nowadays it is hard to confirm or deny any of these theories, but the research result shows, that the manuscript author was fluent in Finnish at the native speaker level. I have studied language features of the manuscript by comparing them to Finnish missal published in 1549. Although there is no sign of missal translator’s or author’s name in the book, it is considered to be written by Mikael Agricola, “the father of literary Finnish”. The research result shows, that Westh’s text is more orthographically correct. For example, the use of letters ä, e, v is more logical. Also the use of cases and word order reflect the spoken Finnish better, than Agricola’s text, which has plenty of German and Latin orthography, grammar and syntax calques and direct loans. As a result, Codex Westh is an original work and an important document in the history of the Finnish language. It could have made a valuable contribution to development of the Finnish. Unfortunately, due to historical circumstances, the manuscript remained unknown to society. It was kept in St. Margaret church in Vehmaa for a long time. After that, it was transferred to National Archive of Finland, where it has been digitalized and published on the Archive website.


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Received 2022-08-19
Published 2023-06-26