• Tatiana Gennadyevna Goleva
    • Institute of Humanitarian Studies UB RAS – branch of the Perm Federal Research Center of the UB RAS
Keywords: Komi-Permians, children's culture, ethnobotany, folk pedagogy, children's folkbiology, edible wild plants, games, toys, children's fun, Day of the Holy Trinity


The article is devoted to the study of the Komi-Permian children's practices of using plants during the XX century. The study is based on field data collected at the beginning of the XXI century among different generations of Komi-Permians. Any actions of children with plants can be considered as a way of learning about the world of flora and gradual inclusion of the younger generation in the interaction with nature. The study identified plants that were interesting to children during their leisure, and indicated the reasons for which they were chosen. Several functions of plants stand out in children's practices: decorative material, an attribute of the game, raw materials for making toys, and a food product. Children and youth played special roles in games and rituals with the birch tree on the Day of the Holy Trinity. Few examples indicate that children used plants for hygienic and medicinal purposes. A new phenomenon for Komi-Permians was the construction of children's houses on trees. The practices of using flora in the children's environment are dynamic. They are conditioned by the economic changes, also by the interests of children and folk tradition. Thanks to games and fun with flowers, leaves, berries and other parts of plants children learn about their features and properties, they are able to identify them and learn to evaluate their practical benefits. The described actions with plants are quite diverse, they provide an opportunity to develop the intellectual and physical skills of the younger generation.


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Received 2023-03-13
Published 2023-06-26
History, archaeology, ethnography