• V.P. Sidorov
    • Udmurt State University
  • P.Yu. Sitnikov
    • Udmurt State University
Keywords: transport system, urban passenger transport, rational organization, transport accessibility, technique of the estimation


A transport system is one of the most important elements of a social and economic complex of any locality. Urban passenger transport determines the mobility of population of the city and suburbs, creates a configuration and affects the geographical directions of growth of cities and their suburbs, urban agglomerations, other settlements. The work of urban passenger transport can be improved through more efficient use and rational distribution of its potential. At the same time, a transport system of large cities is very structurally complex. Therefore, there is always a problem of choosing an indicator of rational organization of urban passenger transport. The urban passenger transport of the city of Izhevsk was chosen as an object of research. The transport accessibility was chosen as a measure of rational organization of transport. The indicators of transport accessibility were chosen and designed and its two options were calculated: transport accessibility of the microdistricts of Izhevsk to the stops of public transport and transport-and-pedestrian accessibility of the microdistricts of Izhevsk relative to the city's transport center. The problem areas of the city were identified on the basis of calculations. The problem areas are characterized by the low transport availability and require an increase in the level of provision of urban passenger transport capacity.


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Received 2017-09-25
Published 2017-12-29
Research in social economy