• I.L. Malkova
    • Udmurt State University
  • P.Yu. Sitnikov
    • Udmurt State University
Keywords: tuberculosis, incidence rate, epidemiological potential of tuberculosis, Udmurt Republic


One of the indicators of well-being of any territory is the prevalence of socially determined diseases. In this case, we are talking about those human diseases, the emergence of which is directly and, possibly, indirectly associated with adverse social conditions, negative economic, environmental, production and other factors. One of the most dangerous of these diseases is tuberculosis. The purpose of this work was to identify the epidemiological potential of tuberculosis in the context of the administrative districts of the Udmurt Republic. An assessment of the impact of various factors on the incidence of tuberculosis was made in the context of the administrative regions of the republic and individual feldsher-midwife stations. As a result of the research, it was found that the most vulnerable areas are mainly suburban and industrial areas. In the group with the least potential - peripheral areas with the prevalence of agricultural type of nature use. It has been established that socio-economic factors are the most significant factors influencing the territorial differentiation of TB prevalence indicators both at the level of administrative districts and at the level of feldsher-midwife stations.


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Received 2018-03-06
Published 2018-06-25
Geoenvironmental problems and nature management