• L.V. Detochenko
    • Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University
Keywords: urban building and planning organization, linear city, bed of settlement, residential and industrial education


On the basis of studying scientific theoretical sources, the author of the article discusses the factors of origin and the peculiarities of development of settlements of a special urban building-planning organization - "linear" or "tape" cities. The variants of formation of different types of settlement beds of a "linear" city are analyzed. Different methods and approaches for measuring the length of a city are presented. It is concluded that among the major cities of the Russian Federation, a typical "linear" city is Volgograd, whose planning structure satisfies the definition of a classical "linear" city. The territorial organization, economic and transport components of Volgograd are the objects of study in this research. The historical features of the formation of such a town-planning structure in Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd are considered. The dynamics of territorial, economic, social changes in the process of historical development of the city is studied. The conclusion is made about the aggravation of many problems in present-day Volgograd in comparison with the city of the socialist period; the causes of these problems are shown. The configuration of the transport network is presented and the transport problem of Volgograd is considered as one of the most acute for a linear city. The conclusion is made about the need for improving the territorial and industrial structures of Volgograd; several options are suggested.


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Received 2018-03-27
Published 2018-06-25
Research in social economy