• E.A. Sherin
    • V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS
Keywords: economic geography, energy production cycles, production cycle, coal industry, deep processing of coal, water-coal fuel, production modernization, Kuzbass


The article considers the theory of energy production cycles, developed by N.N. Kolosovskiy, Yu.G. Saushkin, A.T. Khrushchyov, I.V. Komar, I.L. Savel’yeva and other Russian economic geographers. It indicates the history of its development, its relevance and the possibility of successful application for the analysis of the territorial structure and assessment of the prospects for modernization of the economy. At the same time, questions are raised about the inconsistency of this concept with modern market conditions. An attempt is made to rethink the theory of energy production cycles, on the basis of which the concept “production cycle” is formulated and the author’s generalized scheme of coal production cycle with its detailed explanation is given. Approbation of the method is carried out at the Kuznetsk coal complex: the research compares a general scheme of the coal production cycle with the production cycle actually formed around Kuznetsk coals. On the basis of this comparison, the degree of completeness and the reserves for further modernization of this production cycle were revealed. Among the possible directions of coal use, the most promising for introduction in the Kuzbass are indicated, namely: coal semi-coking, gasification (including underground coal) and preparation of water-coal fuel. The research has revealed some positive effects from such modernization of the existing coal production cycle in the Kuzbass.


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Received 2019-03-27
Published 2019-06-25
Research in social economy