• A.S. Sazhnev
    • I.D. Papanin Institute for biology of inland waters
  • N.V. Kholmogorova
    • Udmurt State University
  • E.A. Bobkova
    • Udmurt State University
Keywords: Udmurt Republic, Republic of Bashkortostan, water beetles, Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Haliplidae, Hydraenidae, Hydrophilidae, Helophoridae, Gyrinidae


The materials of publications on the degree of knowledge of the fauna of water beetles of the Udmurt Republic and Republic of Bashkiria are generalized. Data on the first finds of 3 species from 3 families in the territory of Udmurtia and 10 species from 5 families in Republic of Bashkiria are given. They are respectively as following: Hydroporus angustatus (Dytiscidae), Gyrinus aeratus (Gyrinidae), Limnebius parvulus (Hydraenidae) in Udmurtia, and Haliplus sibiricus (Haliplidae), Rhantus latitans, Graptodytes granularis (Dytiscidae), Helophorus discrepans , Helophorus pumilio (Helophoridae), Berosus signaticollis, Cercyon laminatus (Hydrophilidae), Hydraena reyi , Limnebius truncatellus, Ochthebius hungaricus (Hydraenidae) in Bashkiria.


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Received 2020-02-17
Published 2020-05-08
Hydrobiological research