• N.P. Shamaeva
    • Udmurt State University
Keywords: innovative system, cluster, region, technological advances, technological trajectory, proximity effect, effect of socialization


The article deals with the process of technological development in terms of the formation of regional innovation systems. It is alleged that at the present time, this process is not limited by territorial boundaries. Modern technological development is a process in which all participants engaged (manufacturing plants, research organizations, higher education institutions) are vertically and horizontally interconnected with each other. It is proved that new technologies are closely interrelated with the space in which these changes occur. Thus, technological changes largely depend on the social relationships that are formed during the production and consumption of goods. Each innovative system takes an active part in developing and implementing innovations. At the same time these systems are in varying degrees of readiness to accept innovation. Therefore, when considering the spatial innovation systems we should necessarily consider the following: first, the external relations of each of the subjects of innovation; secondly, the importance of each of the participants in these processes in terms of timing. Keep in mind that innovation systems are extremely complex conglomerates where it is sufficiently difficult, sometimes impossible to trace all the causal relationships between the parties. It is noted that local and regional innovation systems are characterized by the presence of two effects: the proximity effect and the effect of socialization. These processes extend beyond bilateral inter-company relations and include membership interpersonal relationships between managers and employees, as well as research organizations and educational institutions.


Received 2015-10-06
Published 2015-11-25