• E.V. Aleksandrova
    • Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy
  • L.I. Surat
    • International East European University
Keywords: innovation, cluster, company, economic growth, international markets, economic agents, state


Long-term prospects of Russian economy depend on innovations. Unfortunately, for various reasons, Russian firms produce products that by almost all of their parameters do not meet the international requirements. Russian firms are unable to generate new strategic innovations that will facilitate fundamental breakthrough in the international markets. At best, we can talk about the production of goods which are largely obsolete and do not allow Russian companies to become real competitors to foreign firms. The given paper discusses the options of innovation in present conditions. It is noted that innovation can not be the strategic goal of an entrepreneur, or the national economy as a whole. Innovation is needed to solve some specific problems. The practical implementation of innovations in many respects determines the general trend of the national economy. This is confirmed by the success of the modern Chinese economy and, unfortunately, by the difficulties faced by the Russian economy. The strategic prospects of the whole country to a large extent depend on the fact how quickly the Russian economy will move to the innovative development model. One should keep in mind that innovation can not and should not be treated as some sort of an isolated process. The modern economy is an extremely complicated and dynamic system which constantly faces the interests of economic agents and the state. In most cases, the innovation process should be seen as a collective activity. It is very important for the successful formation and development of scientific and technological clusters in Russia, to create a system of relations when all potential cluster members are interested in its real development, not “sawing” of budget funds. Such clusters must be evaluated according to real results, for example, by the volume of industrial output which was sold in highly developed countries.


Received 2015-05-12
Published 2015-07-24