• K.E. Kosygina
    • Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: non-profit organizations, organization demography, methodology, non-profit sector, territories, birth rate, mortality, liquidation, registration, sustainability


The article discusses functioning of the Russian non-profit sector from the point of view of the official statistical methodology that is used for the formation of business demography indicators (organization demography). The author adapts the method of calculating birth and death rates of commercial companies for non-profit organizations. The average values of these indicators are determined for the Russian Federation as a whole and in territorial context. The coefficients are considered in the dynamics from 2013 to 2017. The reasons for the decline in the birth rate and the increase in mortality of non-profit organizations in Russia are established. The author reveals the uneven nature of the development of the non-profit sector across federal districts. It is emphasized that it is necessary to conduct a deep analysis of the causes of regional differentiation of the birth and death rates of organizations in the non-profit sphere using mathematical methods. It is especially noted that in federal districts located in the central part of Russia the birth rate of non-profit organizations is quite low. It justifies the possibility of using the official statistical methodology for the formation of indicators of business demography in the study of the processes occurring in the non-profit sector at the federal and regional levels. In the future, focusing on the considered indicators it is necessary to conduct a deep understanding of organizational development in terms of life cycle stages that a non-profit company goes through from its creation to liquidation.


Received 2018-12-14
Published 2019-01-25