• N.A. Bashkina
    • State University of Management
  • N.V. Klym-Eremina
    • State University of Management
  • Yu.V. Shishakova
    • State University of Management
Keywords: neuromarketing, marketing, neuroimaging, marketing research, consumer behavior, external reflexes, internal reflexes, brain activity, advertising, brand


This article provides a comprehensive overview of neuromarketing, its techniques, methods and tools. The article reveals the essence and purpose of neuromarketing, its features and advantages over traditional marketing methods. Based on the analysis of scientific sources devoted to the study of the role and methods of neuromarketing, the dominant role of the emotional component in consumer behavior is revealed. Complex processes occurring in the buyer's brain and invisible to an ordinary marketer-researcher become available for decoding and understanding through the use of neuromarketing methods. With the help of neuromarketing, the researcher is able to track the criteria for perceiving the object being tested, such as: emotions, attention and memory. The article describes techniques that take into account the external and internal reflexes of the buyer and lists the key methods and tools that allow you to obtain information about consumer reactions and preferences. Special attention is paid to the role of neuromarketing methods in the decision-making process by the buyer. In addition to the possible application of neuromarketing methods in testing brand models, advertising samples, packaging, websites, etc., the authors show the role of neuromarketing in assessing factors influencing purchase decisions, such as price and merchandising. The use of neurobiological methods in neuromarketing makes it possible to study the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of the brain and make predictions of purchasing behavior with a high degree of probability.


Received 2023-09-13
Published 2024-03-29