• G.M. Ibatullina
    • Sterlitamak branсh of Bashkir State University
  • V.V. Ogorodova
    • Sterlitamak branсh of Bashkir State University
Keywords: L.N. Tolstoy, totem, deer's mythologeme, archetype, plot, model, art system


The article is devoted to the study of the problems relevant to modern literary criticism, connected with the functions of mythological codes in the poetics of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "The Cossacks". The authors analyze the figurative and semantic coordinates of the totem myth, considering it in the dialectics of relationships and interactions with the mythological world of the work, as well as with its artistic system as a whole. This approach provides the novelty of the concepts developed in the paper. The central objects of the study are the deer's mythologeme and related archetypal plot situations realized in the story of Dmitry Olenin. The authors come to the conclusion that in the mythopoetic sign system of the novel, the image of the deer fulfills the functions of the hero's totem code of personality and the plot of his fate. The symbolic contexts of the work, associated with the deer's totem myth, largely determine the logic of the psychological and spiritually-moral interpretation of the image of the protagonist of "The Cossacks" and the way of understanding the author's view of it.


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Received 2018-05-07
Published 2018-06-22
Literary criticism