• T.S. Medvedeva
    • Udmurt State University
Keywords: concept, Sparsamkeit, conceptual analysis, conceptual characteristics, German linguistic culture


The analysis of the concept Sparsamkeit (‘Economy, thriftiness’) is a part of an integrated study of the German conceptual domain. The method of conceptual analysis employed in the present investigation includes etymological analysis of the main lexemes that represent the concept under consideration, as well as the study of the notional core of the concept through integration of the German-language lexicographic data; the interpretative analysis of proverbs and sayings, the analysis of the concept’s name and its cognates in advertising texts; and interrogation of German informants. The study revealed that the main lexemes that represent the concept express the idea of moderation, a rational, practical, thrifty and careful attitude to any resources, for the sake of their conservation and accumulation; the future-oriented approach is evident. The study also revealed the connection between Sparsamkeit and other key concepts of the German linguistic culture, such as: Ordnung (‘Order’), Fleiß (‘Diligence’), Arbeit (‘Work’), Sicherheit (‘Security’), Zeit (‘Time’). Our research leads to the conclusion that the notional core of the concept Sparsamkeit has not changed for centuries; the main lexemes that represent it have maintained their positive connotations and the prominent value component, which makes it possible to denote it as a constant of the German linguistic culture.


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Received 2018-05-11
Published 2018-06-22