• L.G. Vasilyev
    • Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University (TKSU)
  • M.L. Vasilyeva
    • Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University (TKSU)
  • S.E. Neustroeva
    • Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy
Keywords: debate, argumentation, interactive rules, argumentative rules, presumption


The article deals with principal grounds for assessing structural-contentive characteristics of parliamentary debates. The interactive and argumentative rules for the latter are discussed. A tri-partite system of constructing arguments is proposed for making debates productive. General issues of parliamentary discussion organization are described. Some types of formulation of topic for discussion are given. The term ‘locution’ is introduced. Based on the feature ‘an object manifested in discourse’ three types of locution are characterized: locution of a fact, locution of an assessment, locution of an action. The objects in question are singled out on the rhetorical principle of progression from the ontology of an object to its axiology and then to its application. The functions of the locutions are determined. An extra-argumentative and an intra-argumentative levels of the argumentative situation in the discussion analysis are described. The system of creating arguments in the negative argumentative situation is presented. This technology of speech actions is presented in pairs: problem + fault, solutions + consequences.


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Received 2018-05-15
Published 2018-06-22