• F.V. Makarichev
    • Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Keywords: ideological novel, polyphony, buffoon-hanger-on, fool in Christ, hero-ideologist, irony, problem of typological reference


The article deals with the compatibility of such type-formative lines as: foolishness for Christ, buffoonery, ideologizm and hanger-onizm in the art world of F.M. Dostoyevsky. Special attention is paid to Foma Fomich Opiskin, Lebyadkin, general Ivolgin, Lebedev, Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky in whom the specified lines are shown in various ratios and generate unique characters. The synthetic nature of images created by Dostoyevsky is the factor defining their "typological uncertainty" and, at the same time, raising the degree of their artistry. The most universal property which gains the nature of peculiar art elements in novels by Dostoyevsky is the hanger-onizm. This element is shown in diverse types and forms and gets into the images which are typologically various, enriching them in an artistic way and creating a unique style of Dostoyevsky.


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Received 2018-06-20
Published 2018-10-25
Literary criticism