• M.P. Pushina
    • Udmurt State University
Keywords: communicative conflict, speech aggression, internet communication, trolling, flaming, internet comment


The article considers the Internet comment genre as a high-potential one for the communicative conflict extension. It is caused by specifics of Internet communication, in particular, by such signs as: informal type of person-oriented communication; signs of oral and written speech, which is as close as possible to a household discourse; mediated, distant nature of communication and its anonymity; freedom, non-normativity and irresponsibility. As a result of the research, three typical variants of the uprising and extension of a communicative conflict in the genre of Internet commentaries were singled out. Their difference is observed in the stages of "pre-conflict" and "conflict". A post-conflict stage has the same characteristics in all three revealed variants. The dominance of destructive communication at the stage of conflict leads to a post-conflict stage, where the tactic of argumentum ad personem and strategies of "trolling" and "flaming" are implemented and used successfully.


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Received 2017-12-20
Published 2018-10-25