THE MOST WIDESPREAD TYPES OF CLASSIFICATIONS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE INSTRUMENTS (with involvement of material of the poetic essay "A Journey across Kamchatka" by I.L. Selvinsky)

  • M.S. Yastrebov-Pestritskiy
    • Scientific Library of the State archive of the Russian Federation (SARF SL)
Keywords: figurative language means, referent, agent, base, concept of metaphor


We build the concept of metaphor upon its connection with the figurative comparison. The ground for the first classification is the degree of inclusiveness of metaphors. An extended metaphor is a metaphor, consistently implemented throughout a large fragment of a message or an entire message. You can classify metaphors for grammatical and semantic reasons, but also by lexical-grammatical categories. Classification can be based on the principle of metaphor formation. Figurative speech is secondary to the actual speech. We can distinguish 4 grounds on which it is possible to carry out classification of the figurative language means. Such analysis can give a fairly complete linguistic interpretation of figurative expressions.


Received 2015-09-04
Published 2015-10-23
Literary criticism