• S.S. Kiselev
    • Saint Petersburg State University
Keywords: language policies, national identity, the French language, the English language, European union, the Toubon law, the Fioraso law


The article concerns a pertinent problem of the language policies of France and other EU member states - the correlation between the national language and culture and the English language, dominating in the EU, particularly in education. France has been protecting its language for long and has a legislative instrument for this protection since 1994 (the Toubon law on the use of French), but since Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency the language policies vector has changed under the pressure of the EU supranational institutions. Thus, in 2013 education in English has been allowed in French universities after adopting the Fioraso law in 2013 with some exceptions to the Toubon law in the matter of education. The theoretical points and conclusions are backed up with an analysis of the 1997-2015 Reports to Parliament on the use of the French language published by the General Delegation for the French language and the languages of France using a linguistic analysis software tool, T-Lab.


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Received 2019-04-15
Published 2019-06-25