• K.I. Baimukhametova
    • Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • T.I. Galeeva
    • Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • S.Kh. Kaziakhmedova
    • Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • E.A. Yanova
    • Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
Keywords: phonostylistics, linguistics, language techniques, poetry, prose, style, emphasis, rhythm, rhyme, language units, phonosemantic


This article considers in details the phonostylistics language tools and techniques as a part of culture, history of the language and the perception of their basic specific properties. The theoretical material is illustrated by examples from Russian and English literature.The analysis of the phonostylistic means and their functioning in a fiction text makes it possible to solve a number of issues related to the sound organization of a text, their use by the authors of works of art. Any fiction text accomplishes a communicative function, that’s why an author needs any certain phonostylistic means to draw the reader's attention for creating a particular emotional image or mood. The similar phonostylistic tools can lead readers to a different perception of a text.


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Received 2019-04-02
Published 2019-06-25