"Bulletin of Udmurt University. History and Philology Series" publishes articles containing original research findings of theoretical and applied nature, as well as feedbacks, reviews and accounts of academic events in the following disciplines of history and philology.

Aims & Scope: The journal publishes original papers, surveys, theoretical papers, short notes and reviews on the problems of history, philology, poetics of myths, and national culture.

5.6.1. National (Russian) History (historical sciences),
5.6.2. World history (historical sciences),
5.6.3. Archeology (historical sciences),
5.6.4. Ethnology, anthropology and ethnography (historical sciences),
5.6.5. Historiography, source studies, methods of historical research (historical sciences),

5.9.1. Russian literature and literature of the nations of the Russian Federation (philological sciences),
5.9.2. Literature of the nations of the world (philological sciences),
5.9.3. Literary theory (philological sciences),
5.9.4. Folkloristics (philological sciences)
5.9.5. Russian language. Languages of the nations of Russia (philological sciences),
5.9.6. Languages of the nations of foreign countries (indicating a specific language or group of languages) (philological sciences),
5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics (philological sciences)


Website: http://journals.udsu.ru/history-philology
Archive Website: http://ru.history.vestnik.udsu.ru/
Crossref: https://search.crossref.org/?q=2412-9534
Elibrary.ru: https://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=55247
Elibrary.udsu.ru: http://elibrary.udsu.ru/xmlui/handle/123456789/10332
E.lanbook.com: https://e.lanbook.com/journal/2964
Cyberleninka.ru: https://cyberleninka.ru/journal/n/vestnik-udmurtskogo-universiteta-seriya-istoriya-i-filologiya

Address: 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, ul. Universitetskaya, 1, Udmurt State University, Institute of History and Sociology, Institute of Language and Literature.

ISSN: 2413-2454 (Online), 2412-9534 (Print)