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Author Guidelines

Journal authors' rules

Submission of a manuscript for publication in the journal "Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta [The Bulletin of Udmurt University]" is transferred to the Publisher with the transfer of exclusive rights to use the work (in traditional and electronic versions of individual issues of the Journal), published in electronic libraries and databases to disseminate information about the Journal and its authors, to improve citation during the entire period of the publication of the journal "Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta [The Bulletin of Udmurt University]" in all countries. By signing a contract the authors give their consent to the use of the paper in the press. The authors guarantee that their paper is an original work, and they have the exclusive author’s rights to it. The form of the License Agreement is placed on the Journal's website.

Articles may not be reproduced (in whole) without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except in cases justified by the objectives of citation. When citing, it is necessary to refer to the source of the publication – "Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta [The Bulletin of Udmurt University]".

A manuscript is registered when the executive secretary of a Series receives it. The following attachments are enclosed with a manuscript:

a) an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department (or other academic unit of the university (a research organization)) on the work approbation;
b) the recommendation of a doctor of sciences whose scientific specialty or a list of scientific papers is relevant to a scientific line of an article.

After reviewing, in the presence of some comments the manuscript is sent to the author (s) for revision. The author(s) should return the modified version of the article to the Editor together with the original copy not later than one week after receiving comments. If the manuscript is not returned by the author to the editorial board by the end of this period, or if more than two revisions are necessary then the original date of the manuscript registration is canceled. The date of receipt shall be the date of receipt of the final version of the article.

After editorial correction the manuscript is returned to the author (s) for approval (in no more than 3–7 days).

The editorial board of the scientific journal "Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta [The Bulletin of Udmurt University]" asks the authors to follow guidelines in preparing the manuscript for publication.

Attention! The only criterion for publication in the journal "Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta [The Bulletin of Udmurt University]" is the scientific level of a work which is revealed at its reviewing.