• A.V. Merenkov
    • Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Keywords: clash of cultures, culture of selfishness, culture of cooperation, unipolar world, ideology, movement to a multipolar world, sovereignty, Russia


The article analyzes changes characterizing the features of the transition to a multipolar world from the perspective of the theory of unity and the struggle of two cultures: cooperation and selfishness, which determine the orientation, content, results of interaction between individuals, social groups, peoples throughout the history of mankind. The culture of selfishness is interpreted as created by man and a constantly developing set of different ways of satisfying selfish interests by social actors. The culture of cooperation is considered as a human-constructed system of uniting individuals, small and large communities to realize the common interests of self-preservation and self-development. The peculiarities of determining military conflicts by the culture of egoism and the culture of cooperation in different eras are revealed. It is shown that the culture of selfishness determines the desire to build and preserve a unipolar world. Countries advocating the creation of a multipolar world, realize the values of the culture of cooperation. The role of the liberalism ideology in affirming the orientation of social actors to satisfy narrow-minded interests by any means is revealed. It is noted that there is a need to form and implement a special ideology to protect the sovereignty of Russia. The forms of overcoming the diktat of countries trying to keep the unipolar world, using all available material, financial and human resources, and creating a threat of nuclear collision, are revealed. States, focused on the values of the culture of cooperation, are forced to use all the means they have to preserve their independence and ensure the peaceful development of all mankind.


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Received 2023-01-24
Published 2023-03-23