• M.V. Kirchanov
    • Voronezh State University
Keywords: history of Islam in Indonesia, politics of memory, Ummah, secularism, Mashumi, Islamic State of Indonesia, historical revisionism


The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the politics of memory in contexts of the history of Islam in modern Indonesia. It is assumed that the difficulties in localization of the history of Islam in modern historical memory are aggravated by repressions against Muslim activists and the violence of radical Muslims against their political and ideological opponents. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the attempts of the Indonesian society to form a compromise canon of historical memory, integrating the history of the Ummah and political Islam into officially sanctioned versions of history. The article analyzes 1) the features of the imagination of Islamic images in the politics of memory, 2) the prospects and contradictions of the integration of Ummah figures into the historical imagination, 3) attempts to revise the history of Islam in the context of the development of the memorial culture of the Indonesian society. The results of the study suggest that modern Indonesian society use the mechanisms of historical politics actively in its attempts to form a new image of the history of Islam, integrated into predominantly secular narratives that determine the development of Indonesian identity.


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Received 2022-11-10
Published 2023-06-23
Political science. International relations