• I.K. Evstigneeva
    • Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
  • I.N. Tankovskaya
    • Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS
Keywords: phytocenosis, species composition, ecological structure, phytomass, dominants, variability, the Blue Bay, the Black Sea


The species composition, ecological structure, features of phytomass formation and their variability over time are described. The phytocenosis includes 46 macroalgae species of Chlorophyta, Ochrophyta and Rhodophyta phylums. Among the phylums, the highest diversity of species and genera was noted for Rhodophyta. The ecological structure of the phytocenosis is formed by algae from 12 ecogroups, among which marine, leading, annual, and oligosaprobic species dominate. Species of Ochrophyta phylum, and especially representatives of the genus Cystoseira , are most involved in the production process. A peculiarity of the temporal dynamics of the characteristics of the studied phytocenosis is high variability of the species diversity and phytomass of Chlorophyta, as well as the absolute number of species in ecogroups. The biological “norm” is not exceeded for intra-annual changes in the species diversity and phytomass of Ochrophyta, and the relative number of species in phylums and ecogroups. Rhodophyta in this respect is intermediate. Interannual fluctuations in the species composition, in contrast to intra-annual fluctuations, occur with lower intensity. The species proportion of phylums remains constant over time. It was shown that cystosiric phytocenosis, despite the anthropogenic press, retains the basic structural and functional features of macrophytobenthos of the Black Sea.


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Received 2020-03-12
Published 2020-05-08
Hydrobiological research