• T.I. Prozhorina
    • Voronezh State University
  • S.A. Kurolap
    • Voronezh State University
  • Yu.A. Presnyakova
    • Voronezh State University
Keywords: quality of drinking water, chemical composition, priority pollutants, centralized and decentralized water supply, distribution network, well, underground water, Voronezh region


The problem of providing the population of the Voronezh region with clean drinking water is the most acute, since about 30 % of water sources do not meet environmental requirements, which causes a certain risk to the health of the region's population. The paper assesses the current state of centralized and decentralized drinking water supply and sanitation in the cities of Novohopersk, Borisoglebsk, Ostrogozhsk, Ramon and their surroundings, which are administrative centers of the same name municipal districts of the Voronezh region. The problems of providing the population of the region with high-quality drinking water are revealed and ways of solving rational water supply are considered. In addition, based on the results of the chemical composition of drinking water from centralized and decentralized water supply sources, the quality of drinking water supplied to the population of the studied cities was established. The results of the analysis showed that the population of the Voronezh region (for example, the cities of Novohopersk, Borisoglebsk, Ostrogozhsk, Ramon and their surroundings) uses drinking water that does not meet hygienic requirements. Therefore, today it is necessary to strengthen monitoring and control over the quality of drinking water supply, and the population of urban and rural areas of the region need to use household filters for water purification.


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Received 2020-03-10
Published 2020-05-08
Geoenvironmental problems and nature management