• Nadezhda Ivanovna Shutova
    • Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature, UdmFRC UB RAS
Keywords: fortified settlement of Nikulchino, medieval shrine, Northern Udmurts, Cheptsa River, sanctuary of Gubervos’/Gerbervos’, social significance, Christianization, destruction of the sacred place


The paper deals with the history of the sanctuary Gerbervos’ / Gubervos’ used by Northern (Glazov) Udmurts in their religious practices. There were two medieval Udmurt shrines on the Vyatka River: one of them, earlier located in the Vyatka fortified settlement in the territory of present-day city of Kirov, was later transported to the north-east to the vicinity of the Omsino and Krasnogorye villages (Slobodskoy district of the Kirov oblast); the other one was located in the Nikulchino (Chud-Bolvansky) fortified settlement and performed the functions of both a tribal shrine and “an observatory” for the local population. A massive agrarian praying event was held in honor of the deity Mu-Kylchin there. After the capture of Chud-Bolvansky settlement, the shrine was moved by Udmurts to the east, initially to the lower reaches of the Ubyt’ River, in the vicinity of the modern Glazov city, and then to the headwaters of the Ubyt’ and Parsi Rivers, in the vicinity of the Parzi Uchkhoz settlement. In academic literature this shrine is known as Gubervos’ (‘provincial praying’). In its new location the shrine lost its function as “an observatory”, although preserved its status of a sanctuary of special significance among Northern (Glazov) Udmurts. The paper analyzes the stages and methods of destroying the shrine during the Christianization of Northern Udmurts as well as the practice of fighting against traditional rituals and cults. The paper contains an attempt to interpret the name of the shrine as the modification of the word Udmurt ‘Gerbervos’ which means a massive praying event during the summer feast of Gerber organized to mark the end of ploughing period; the interpretation is supported by the appropriate arguments.


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Received 2018-04-25
Published 2018-06-25