• Maria Vladimirovna Kazakova
    • Petrozavodsk State University
Keywords: poetic geography, bilingualism, author’s personal image of the world, literature of Karelia, Ingermanland, A. I. Mišin (Oleg Mišin, Armas, Hiiri), national literature, toponyms, anthroponyms, Finnish, small motherland


The article considers bilingual texts by the national poet of the Republic of Karelia A. I. Mišin (Oleg Mišin - Armas Hiiri) in the 1990s as examples of poetic geography in his Russian and Finnish verses. The purpose of the article is to analyze the metaphysical meaning of proper names, in particular, toponyms and anthroponyms in the poet’s texts published in the 1990s. In Mišin’s poetry of this period toponyms are structured around two images: “big” homeland Russia and the lost small homeland Ingermanland. Karelia in his work is projected on the image of the lost homeland and it takes on the meaning of a poetic house where he was born and raised as a word artist. Thus, the poetic geography, reflected in the author’s poems, forms a gallery of images that create the author’s personal image of the poet’s world in which historical, cultural, national and biographical values are reflected.


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Received 2018-05-24
Published 2018-12-25